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Friday, February 17, 2012

I day 1947

Ever wondered how the news paper headline would have looked like when India got Independence. Well it never struck me till recently I saw the printout of the Headline, Times of India - 15 August Edition 1947 on the desk of my college Sumit. Somehow it just sent chills down my spine just to see it and wondered how would the readers felt on the day. Thanks to Google it seems much effortless to find the information.
In addition I also got few more newspaper editions :) Indian Independence Day

The Times of India - 15 August 1947

Morning News - 15 August 1947

The New York Times - 15 August 1947

The Statesman - 15 August 1947
The Hindustan Times - 15th August 1947
Source : Link

1 comment:

bindujaykumar said...

we struggled for freedom from 1857 to 1947,at last we made it. In those days we are under the ruling of British and now we are under Political, bureaucratic, corporate and individual corruption.